Posts Tagged ‘Lotus Domino Designer’

IBM Notes and Domino 9.0 Social Edition beta now available

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

Ed Brill just announced that the IBM Notes and Domino 9.0 Social Edition betas are now available for download. The beta program is open for everyone so go ahead and sign up and try the new IBM Notes 9.0 🙂 Use the 9.0 beta forum for feedback. Here’s the beautiful IBM Notes 9.0 (Mac) client: I […]

XPages: dynamically updating rich text content in a CKEditor

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

For the Sherlock Web solution I had a need to be able to update rich text content in a CKEditor with rich text content from backend document templates. These backend document templates can be created and edited with the Lotus Notes client and will in some cases contain rich text content of type Rich Text […]

Source Control with Domino Designer 8.5.3 and Git (my talk at DanNotes, November 2012)

Thursday, November 29th, 2012

The 48th DanNotes conference took place yesterday and today. I had 2 sessions. My first session was on the subject of XPages for administrators. My second session was on the topic of source control with Domino Designer 8.5.3 and Git. Here is my presention from that session: Source Control with Domino Designer 8.5.3 and Git (DanNotes, November […]

Intro to XPages for Administrators (my talk at DanNotes, November 2012)

Thursday, November 29th, 2012

The 48th DanNotes conference took place yesterday and today. It was 2 days filled with lots of interesting sessions. I had 2 sessions. My first session was on the subject of XPages for administrators. My second session was on the topic of source control with Domino Designer 8.5.3 and Git. Here is my presentation from […]

I am now an IBM Certified Advanced Application Developer – Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5

Friday, September 21st, 2012

I recently passed the LOT-922 certification test (Developing IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.2 Applications: Advanced XPage Design). The test is a multiple choice test with 32 questions and a required passing score of 75%- I scored 90%. Since I was already an IBM Certified Application Developer on Notes/Domino 8.5 the passing of the test upgraded my […]

Have a question on XPages?

Saturday, August 18th, 2012

Stack Overflow is a programming Q&A site for developers with more than 3.5 million questions and even more anwers on every programming language you can image. On Stack Overflow you can also find questions and answers related to XPages. At the time of writing this blog post there are 597 questions tagged XPages on Stack Overflow […]

DanNotes 47th conference: links to presentations

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

The DanNotes 47th conference takes place today and tomorrow. Here are links to presentations available online: Ulrich Krause: XPages – Beyond the Basics Paul Withers: Ready, Set, Go! How IBM Lotus Domino XPages Became Mobile Paul Withers: The Eureka Moment – XPages Under the Covers Jakob Majkilde: From Notes to XPages in 1 hour Morten […]

Presentation: Create an app in 1 hour (almost) with XPages Extension Library

Sunday, April 22nd, 2012

I gave this presentation along with a live coding demo at the monthly meeting on April 19, 2012. The presentation covers elements of the XPages Extension Library that you can use to rapidly convert an existing Lotus Notes client application to a web application. The sample database is available for download and uses a custom […]

XPages: 2 very easy performance optimization tricks

Thursday, February 23rd, 2012

Here are 2 very easy ways to optimize performance for your XPages applications: Enable “Use runtime optimized JavaScript and CSS resources” to have your JS and CSS files combined into fewer files. This reduces the number of HTTP requests that the browser has to make against your server and application and thereby makes the site […]

Learning XPages: available resources

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

I often hear people new to XPages ask: what resources are available if you want to learn XPages? The following lists (some of the) available resources if you want to learn XPages. IBM provided resources Direct help in Domino Designer using Help – Help Contents and hitting F1 – also available as an IBM Information […]