Archive for 2008
Tuesday, December 30th, 2008
Domino Guru Chris Toohey is currently busy with a project build with a deadline tomorrow (December 31st). Despite the tight deadline Chris is “live” blogging the build process for others to learn more about Domino development. I can highly recommend that you follow the project. So far Chris has written an introduction to the project, […]
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Tags: Lotus Domino, Lotus Notes, software development
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Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008
Via the Danish community I just discovered that we have a new Danish blogger in the Lotus community: Finn L. Knudsen. Finn is the author of the I Do Code blog. Please welcome Finn to the blogosphere.
Continue reading New Danish Lotus blogger.
Tags: Lotus Domino, Lotus Notes
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Friday, October 24th, 2008
Today we had the internal IBM HackDay event for the 6th time and I was part of the group that arranged the local hackday event in Denmark for the third time. I am proud to say that it was my accomplishment that the first local IBM hackday event was held in Denmark in October 2007. […]
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Tags: HackDay, IBM
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Saturday, October 11th, 2008
Bobby Woolf just blogged that Websphere Application Server 7.0 has been released. Bobby has posted several interesting links to more information – one being this video providing a high level overview of the features in version 7.0. Go to this “What’s new in WebSphere Application Server V7” article on developerWorks for more detailed information on […]
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Tags: Redbook, Websphere, Websphere Application Server
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Thursday, August 21st, 2008
Sean Burgess suggested that I blogged about running Lotus Domino on z/OS for a development server so here goes: I am acting as an IT architect for a system called ePOS which acts as a frontend to a payment solution called IBM Payment Systems. This frontend solution is running on Lotus Domino R8 for z/OS […]
Continue reading Runing Lotus Domino on a mainframe.
Tags: Lotus Domino, Lotus Notes, mainframe, software architecture, zSeries
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Thursday, August 21st, 2008
Bobby Woolf has blogged about a wiki on “97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know”. The list is at 50 things so far and they are very interesting to read. Update May 2009: The list has been completed and an edited version of the 97 things has been compiled into a book which was published […]
Continue reading 97 things every software architect should know.
Tags: architect, software architecture
Saturday, August 16th, 2008
I recently listened to the first episode of the YellowCast podcast and was reminded how powerful DXL is. I created this blog post to store my notes from listening to this podcast and to provide others with links to all the useful info that the YellowCast hosts Chris Toohey and Tim Tripcony shared during the […]
Continue reading DXL: Domino XML.
Tags: DXL, Lotus Domino, Lotus Notes, XML, YellowCast
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Tuesday, August 12th, 2008
I am currently listening to the following podcasts on my iPhone: IBM developerWorks podcast The Taking Notes podcast Dogear Nation Stack Overflow podcast I actually listen to these while running. So thanks guys for keeping me motivated! 🙂
Continue reading Podcasts that I listen to.
Tags: developerWorks, Dogear Nation, podcast, Stack Overflow, Taking Notes
Sunday, August 3rd, 2008
I have just been accepted as an official GONAD (Geeky Order of Notes Admins and Developers) member by Steve McDonagh – more precisely with a degree of Worshipful Grand Dragon for Denmark. I am so proud! 🙂 If you are interested in GONAD and in applying for membership you can read more here: “First Northern […]
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Tags: GONAD, Lotus Domino, Lotus Notes
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Sunday, July 20th, 2008
I have been listening to a developerWorks podcast with Scott Ambler where he discusses agile development. Scott has an interesting point when he compares agile adoption with the history of astronomy: the agile community is the equivalent of the people who thought that everything revolved around the sun, while the traditional community is the equivalent […]
Continue reading Scott Ambler on agile software development.
Tags: Agile, developerWorks, Scrum, software development
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