Posts Tagged ‘software architecture’
Monday, January 18th, 2010
I have created a Twitter list of IBM IT architects. If you are interested in following IBM IT architects on Twitter then follow this list. If you are an IBM IT architect and not on the list, then let me know on Twitter. Remember that when you follow a list, you do not follow every […]
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Tags: IBM, IT architect, software architecture, Twitter
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Wednesday, May 20th, 2009
The 2nd edition of the SOA for Dummies book was published in January 2009 and once again you can download a free IBM edition of the book. The free edition contains a subset of the original book (76 pages versus 408 pages).
Continue reading Free SOA for Dummies, 2nd IBM limited edition.
Tags: SOA, software architecture
Thursday, August 21st, 2008
Sean Burgess suggested that I blogged about running Lotus Domino on z/OS for a development server so here goes: I am acting as an IT architect for a system called ePOS which acts as a frontend to a payment solution called IBM Payment Systems. This frontend solution is running on Lotus Domino R8 for z/OS […]
Continue reading Runing Lotus Domino on a mainframe.
Tags: Lotus Domino, Lotus Notes, mainframe, software architecture, zSeries
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Thursday, August 21st, 2008
Bobby Woolf has blogged about a wiki on “97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know”. The list is at 50 things so far and they are very interesting to read. Update May 2009: The list has been completed and an edited version of the 97 things has been compiled into a book which was published […]
Continue reading 97 things every software architect should know.
Tags: architect, software architecture
Monday, May 26th, 2008
As announced on Twitter my accreditation package was approved today and I am now an IBM accredited IT architect. This IBM accreditation can be compared to the Open Group level 1 certification called “Certified IT Architect”. Part of my package included 2 project profiles for projects that were both Lotus Domino based web projects involving […]
Continue reading IT architect accreditation accomplished.
Tags: accreditation, architect, certification, IBM, Open Group, software architecture
Friday, January 18th, 2008 is now open to everyone. From the site: “Jazz is an IBM Rational project to build a scalable, extensible team collaboration platform for integrating work across the phases of the development lifecycle”. According to Andy Patrizio from Jazz can be compared to SourceForge and Subversion. The Jazz team blog has also been opened […]
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Tags: collaboration, Eclipse, Jazz, Rational, software architecture, software development
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Saturday, December 15th, 2007
IBM has an interesting case study on using Rational Performance Tester to test the US Open web servers. For the performance test only just two standard PCs running Windows XP were needed in order to generate almost 25,000 hits per minute to a single node. I have experience using Rational Performance Tester on web projects […]
Continue reading Scalability of Rational Performance Tester.
Tags: Rational, Rational Performance Tester, software architecture, test
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Wednesday, August 15th, 2007
The first draft of the free Rational Application Developer V7 Programming Guide has been published to the IBM Redbooks site. Update December 29, 2007: The final version has been published on December 26.
Continue reading Rational Application Developer V7 Programming Guide.
Tags: Rational, Redbook, software architecture
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Thursday, August 2nd, 2007
High Scalability was recently launched with the purpose of helping with building successful scalable websites. The site contains a number of real life architectures such as the architectures for Amazon, eBay, Feedburner, Flickr, Google, Wikimedia and YouTube.
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Tags: scalability, software architecture
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Wednesday, February 7th, 2007
An open beta program for Rational Tester for SOA has been announced. Rational Tester for SOA enables you to Validate SOA system functionality and interoperability Ensure system performance Determine maximum system capacity Identify and resolve performance problems of SOA IT solutions Rational Tester for SOA is powered by IBM Rational Performance Tester and the new […]
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Tags: Rational Tester for SOA, SOA, software architecture
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