I have been re-elected for the OpenNTF board of directors

October 9th, 2012

My term on the OpenNTF board of directors expired after 1 year, and I am happy to have been re-elected for a 2 year term service.

My 1st year on the board was an exciting year where I among many things helped with the judging of several contests (including the 1st XSnippets contest), helped setup even more demos, and was part of the team that implemented Collaboration Today.

I look forward to continue to help OpenNTF spread the use and knowledge of open source for the IBM Collaboration Solutions community.

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2 Responses to “I have been re-elected for the OpenNTF board of directors”

  1. Mat Newman Says:

    Congratulations Per 🙂

  2. Per Henrik Lausten Says:

    Thank you, Mat 🙂