My first 2 weeks as a self-employed consultant

October 29th, 2010

I started as self-employed full-time consultant on October 18 - and today the first 2 weeks has passed. So how did they go?

I have started working on my first XPages project for my first client. The project is currently in the design and early implementation phase and I have therefore been to a design workshop with Supermouse who is responsible for the information architecture and UI design. I find it very interesting to learn more about XPages and to apply it to a real project.

I was invited as special guest to IBM Hackday 8 at IBM in Copenhagen. It was a fun day with a lot of mobile app discussions including looking at Titanium Appcelerator and how it can be used to develop iPhone and Android applications.

I went to my first all-day monthly meeting - and it was nice to meet many of the members. I hope to have the opportunity to work with some of my colleagues someday on shared projects.

I took part in the recording of episode 24 for one of my favorite podcasts: This Week in Lotus. It was great fun to record the podcast together with Stuart McIntyre, Darren Duke and Joyce Davis.

All in all, I have enjoyed the first 2 weeks as self-employed consultant at PHL Consult.

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5 Responses to “My first 2 weeks as a self-employed consultant”

  1. luis benitez Says:

    We miss you internally!! I'm so glad that you are still part of the community 😀

  2. Tweets that mention My first 2 weeks as a self-employed consultant | Per Henrik Lausten -- Says:

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Per Henrik Lausten and Per Henrik Lausten, Paul Hannan. Paul Hannan said: Great to see XPages gaining traction and people picking up dev jobs with it - [...]

  3. Chris Sparshott Says:

    Great to hear that the first two weeks went well. I hope you have huge success! - Chris

  4. Per Henrik Lausten Says:

    Hi Chris, thanks. Much appreciated.

    Nice to hear from an IBMer from New Zealand 🙂

  5. My first two months as self-employed consultant | Per Henrik Lausten Says:

    [...] Per Henrik Lausten A blog on Lotus Domino, IT Architecture, technology and other IT stuff by Per Henrik Lausten – freelance consultant at PHL Consult « My first 2 weeks as a self-employed consultant [...]