I will start on my own as a Lotus Notes/Domino consultant

August 31st, 2010

I have exciting news! I am leaving IBM October 15 to start on my own as a self-employed consultant at PHL Consult. I will work primarily with development and administration of Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino solutions.

I have been with IBM for 16 years and had almost never thought that this day would come - but I have been dreaming of working as a self-employed consultant for many years. I am very happy that I finally took the plunge and look forward to the exciting new adventure!

To quote Mark Twain:

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Wish me luck.

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15 Responses to “I will start on my own as a Lotus Notes/Domino consultant”

  1. Chris Toohey Says:

    Congratulations man - this is great and exciting news! If I can do a thing to help, please let me know.


  2. Art Pufford Says:

    I wish you the best of luck in your new endevor. As a self-employed Notes/Domino Architect with 20 years experience, the market is difficult right now as I am sure you are aware. If I can be of any assistance, please don't hesitate to ask.

    Best Regards,

    Art Pufford

  3. Jens Bruntt Says:

    Good luck Per. That sort of move is really a big thing before you do it. I have heard from a lot of people that a year after they did such a thing they asked themselves why the had waited for such a long time.

  4. palmi Says:

    Great for you - as Chris said if there is anything just ask
    BTW I had a consulting firm named PHL my full name ( Palmi Hamiliton Lord )

    Have fun that is wat its all about

  5. Tweets that mention I will start on my own as a Lotus Notes/Domino consultant | Per Henrik Lausten -- Topsy.com Says:

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by kellypuffs and Per Henrik Lausten, Luis Suarez. Luis Suarez said: ♺ @perlausten From my blog: I will start on my own as a Lotus Notes/Domino consultant http://goo.gl/fb/tY5VX / 😀 Best of luck, Per! [...]

  6. Keith Brooks Says:

    The grass grows greener and Mark Twain was 100% correct. Welcome to the outside world again.

  7. Mikkel Flindt Heisterberg Says:

    Being self-employeed is soemthing that everyone should try at some point if for nothing else to get a taste of it. The best of luck to you!

  8. Patrick Kwinten Says:

    I hope you have the time of your life (gREenDAy)

  9. Per Henrik Lausten Says:

    Thank you for all your kind and encouraging comments. Very much appreciated!

  10. Cesar Miramontes Says:

    I wish you the best ! If you ever need some help I was a developer for Lotus Domino in the AS/400, iSeries, IBM i for around 9 years, so I know a few things, I guess, hehe.

  11. Brian O'Donovan Says:

    I just saw this note. I will me sorry to see you go, but I know you will make a great consultant so maybe you will be an even more valuable to us outside IBM.

  12. it support tampa Says:

    Good luck on a new consulting field and wishing you the best.
    I have been doing Notes consulting since 1994 and my knowledge of Notes going back to version 2.0 (long time ago).
    Hopefully the Notes demands in Europe is much more promising than in the US.

  13. Independent member of the Danish Notesnet group | Per Henrik Lausten Says:

    [...] I am pleased to say that my Lotus Notes/Domino consultancy company PHL Consult has been accepted as an independent member of the Danish Notesnet group of Lotus specialists. The members of Notesnet are all self-employed consultants working with Lotus products in general - and for most of the members with Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino in particular. I am sure that being member of this group will benefit me in some way or the other now that I start on my excisting new adventure. [...]

  14. Welcome to the opening of PHL Consult | Per Henrik Lausten Says:

    [...] October 18! Today is my first day as a full time consultant in my own company PHL Consult - where I am going [...]

  15. tampa seo Says:

    good luck on a new consulting position! We are consulting firm in US specializing on Lotus Notes and SEO consulting.
    I can only tell that Lotus Notes is becoming less and less popular here.