Posts Tagged ‘Rational Software Architect’

Rational Software Architect 8.0 beta and Rational Application Developer 8.0 beta

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

Rational Software Architect 8.0 beta is now available for you to try out as part of the Rational Software Architect open beta program. For information on all of the new Rational Software Architect enhancements visit the Rational Software Architect wiki – specifically the v8 beta pages on the wiki, and the Information Center for the […]

Rational Software Delivery Platform V7.0 released

Tuesday, December 5th, 2006

IBM has today released the Rational Software Delivery Platform V7.0 – a comprehensive set of products that include the long awaited Rational Software Architect V7.0 (RSA) and Rational Application Developer V7.0 (RAD) and also products such as Rational Functional Tester V7.0 and Rational Performance Tester V7.0.

Rational Software Architect V7.0 open beta program

Wednesday, September 13th, 2006

You can now preregister for the Rational Software Architect V7.0 and Rational Functional Tester V7.0 open beta program. The beta program is set to start in October 2006. From the press release: “Clients participating in the beta program can experiment with new and improved features that help implement service oriented architectures, systems development, and geographically […]

Tutorial: Hello World, Part 1 – Rational Software Architect

Tuesday, May 9th, 2006

A new tutorial called “Hello World, Part 1: Rational Software Architect” has been posted on developerWorks. The tutorial is the first tutorial in the “Hello World! Series”, which will provide high-level overviews of various IBM software products. Part 2 of this series will introduce you to Rational Application Developer. The tutorial “introduces you to IBM […]

RAD V7.0 and RSA V7.0 coming later this year

Friday, April 14th, 2006

Rational Application Developer V7.0 and Rational Software Architect V7.0 will be released in the second half of 2006. [Via Bobby Woolf]. Update December 2006: Rational Application Developer V7.0 and Rational Software Architect V7.0 has been released.