Hour of Code: Anybody can learn

December 9th, 2013

Computer Science Education WeekThis week is the Hour of Code week.

I am going to introduce my oldest son's school class to programming (he is 8 years old). I will use some of the available resources from code.org such as LightBot,

Who are you going to introduce to the world of programming this week?

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4 Responses to “Hour of Code: Anybody can learn”

  1. Sean Cull (@seancull) Says:

    have you seen scratch - my son is that age and loves it.

    You can connect it to some of the Lego stuff too ( without needing the expensive Lego software )

    It comes as standard on the Raspberry Pii

    Its a programming gui based on jigsaw patterns


  2. Per Henrik Lausten Says:

    Hi Sean, yes I have heard of Scratch and will consider using that too. However, for the intro in my son's class I only have 1,5 hours. So I don't know how much I can introduce them to.

  3. Bruce Elgort Says:

    Talk to me. I have some ideas.


  4. Per Henrik Lausten Says:

    I would love to hear your ideas. Thanks.