My 1st year as self-employed consultant at PHL Consult

October 20th, 2011

One year ago I started as self-employed consultant at my own company PHL Consult after having worked for IBM for 16 years - and what a great year! Starting on my own has proved to be one my of my best decisions ever.

It has been a year of classic Lotus Notes application development work, XPages development work, teaching courses and much more. I started with one customer and have since then been doing work for 10 other paying customers and been involved in proposals for a handful more. Furthermore, I reviewed David Leedys XPages cheat sheet, and reviewed the IBM course "Modernizing Lotus Domino 8.5.2 Applications".

This year I also became member of the boards at NotesNetDanNotes and OpenNTF.

The following are public sites that I have implemented for customers during my 1st year:

Lessons learned (and assumptions confirmed):

  • Networking is important: several of my customers have chosen me for their work because we were connected in some way.
  • Advertising helps: I advertise my business services on the Google advertising network and know for a fact that some customers came to me via that channel.
  • Being social: I am a strong believer in blogging and social networks and the impact that it can have on you and others.

I look forward to the next year and what it will bring me of interesting work and projects.

One final advice: pursue your dream!

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6 Responses to “My 1st year as self-employed consultant at PHL Consult”

  1. John Foldager Says:

    Congratulations once more, Per. Looking forward to hear your achievements for the upcomming year.

    PS. This comments field is cleared if you don't write the right captcha word below :o/

  2. Per Henrik Lausten Says:

    Thanks John!

    - with regards to reCaptcha clearing the comments field: ouch! will look into that 🙂

  3. Jesper Kiaer - Jezzper Consulting Says:

    Fantastic! 🙂 see ya in !

  4. Richard Moy Says:

    Per, congratulations. It has been almost 20 years since I worked in the corporate environment. It has its ups and downs, but I do not regret starting my own companies.

  5. Lars Hauge Says:

    Hi Per - even though we miss you at IBM, I am really pleased to hear that your business came off to a good start during the first year.

  6. William Beh Says:

    Great to hear that you started of well. Keep up the momentum