Function sortCollection(coll As NotesDocumentCollection, fieldnames() As String) As NotesDocumentCollection ' Description: ' Sorts and returns a NotesDocumentCollection ' Fieldnames parameter is an array of strings ' with the field names to be sorted on ' ' Modified by Per Henrik Lausten, November 2006 - ' ' Based on code by: ' Max Flodén - ' Joe Litton - ' Peter von Stöckel - ' ' Example of use ' Dim fieldnames(0 To 2) As String ' fieldnames(0) = "SKU" ' fieldnames(1) = "OrderDate" ' fieldnames(2) = "Client" ' Set collection = SortCollection (collection, fieldnames) Dim session As New NotesSession Dim db As NotesDatabase Dim collSorted As NotesDocumentCollection Dim doc As NotesDocument Dim i As Integer, n As Integer Dim arrFieldValueLength() As Long Dim arrSort, strSort As String Set db = session.CurrentDatabase ' --- ' --- 1) Build array to be sorted ' --- 'Fill array with fieldvalues and docid and get max field length Redim arrSort(0 To coll.Count -1, 0 To Ubound(fieldnames) + 1) Redim arrFieldValueLength(0 To Ubound(fieldnames) + 1) For i = 0 To coll.Count - 1 Set doc = coll.GetNthDocument(i + 1) For n = 0 To Ubound(fieldnames) + 1 If n = Ubound(fieldnames) + 1 Then arrSort(i,n) = doc.UniversalID arrFieldValueLength(n) = 32 Else arrSort(i,n) = "" & doc.GetItemValue(fieldnames(n))(0) ' Check length of field value If Len(arrSort(i,n)) > arrFieldValueLength(n) Then arrFieldValueLength(n) = Len(arrSort(i,n)) End If End If Next n Next i 'Merge fields into array that can be used for sorting using the sortValues function Dim aryFieldValues() As String For i = 0 To coll.Count - 1 Redim Preserve aryFieldValues(1 To i+1) strSort = "" For n = Lbound(fieldnames) To Ubound(fieldnames) + 1 strSort = strSort & Left(arrSort(i,n) & Space(arrFieldValueLength(n)), arrFieldValueLength(n)) Next n aryFieldValues(i+1) = strSort Next i ' --- ' --- 2) Sort array using sortValues function by Joe Litton ' --- arrSort = sortValues(aryFieldValues) ' --- ' --- 3) Use sorted array to sort collection ' --- Set collSorted = db.GetProfileDocCollection("Foo") ' create an empty NotesDocumentCollection Forall y In arrSort Set doc = db.GetDocumentByUNID(Right(y, 32)) Call collSorted.AddDocument(doc) End Forall ' --- ' --- 4) Return collection ' --- Set SortCollection = collSorted End Function

Function sortValues(varValues As Variant) As Variant On Error Goto errHandler ' Use Shell sort to sort input array and return array sorted ascending Dim k As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim h As Integer Dim r As Integer Dim temp As String 'Set up for Shell sort algorithm k = Ubound( varValues ) h = 1 Do While h < k h = (h*3)+1 Loop h = (h-1)/3 If h > 3 Then h = (h-1)/3 End If 'Shell sort algorithm Do While h > 0 For i = 1+h To k temp = varValues(i) j = i-h Do While j >0 If varValues(j)>temp Then varValues(j+h) = varValues(j) varValues(j) = temp Else Exit Do End If j = j-h Loop Next i h = (h-1)/3 Loop 'Write new sorted values sortValues = varValues getOut: Exit Function errHandler: Dim strMsg As String strMsg = "Error #" & Err & Chr$(10) & Error$ & Chr$(10) & "Line #" & Erl & | in sub/function: "| & Lsi_info(2) & |"| Msgbox strMsg, 16, "Unexpected error" sortValues = "ERROR" Resume getOut End Function
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